Paterson waterfall address
Paterson waterfall address

paterson waterfall address

  • “The furnishing of greater scope for the diversity of talents.”.
  • “The promoting of emigration from foreign countries.”.
  • “Additional employment classes of the community is not ordinarily engaged in business.”.
  • paterson waterfall address

    In listing the advantages of manufacturing at the time of Paterson’s founding, Hamilton wrote:


    Informed by these beliefs, Hamilton’s manufacturing plan was also an economic stimulus for full employment and immigration.

    paterson waterfall address

    He was a courageous early opponent of slavery and a strong advocate for immigration. He believed that hard work and learning, rather than social status or inherited wealth, mattered most in the new nation. fulfilled the vision of its founder for more than 150 years, from Washington’s first term as President through the end of World War II. But, in true form, Hamilton persisted, writing to one of the S.U.M.’s first superintendents Peter Colt in 1793, "Perseverance in almost any plan is better than fickleness and fluctuation." Because of this example that Hamilton set early on, the S.U.M. The S.U.M.’s founders faced some early setbacks during the first few years. Paterson would become a leading manufacturer in every one of these industries. would translate Hamilton’s ideas into actions, and called for a wide variety of industries-including cotton, sailcloth, flax, hemp, paper, nails, steel and iron work for carriages, and silk. Hamilton wrote, “not only the wealth, but the independence and security of a country, appear to be materially connected with the prosperity of manufacturers.” In December 1791, shortly after establishing the S.U.M., Hamilton submitted his Report on Manufactures, a vision for how manufacturing could invigorate economic activity and make the new nation economically independent. Two years earlier, Congress had asked Hamilton to prepare a report on how America could promote manufacturing. and Governor William Paterson signed it into existence on November 22, 1791. The New Jersey Legislature charted the S.U.M. acquired the necessary land and constructed America’s first waterpower system to attract entrepreneurs and workers who would incubate new inventions. Hamilton took the lead in establishing New Jersey’s first corporation, the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (S.U.M.). To strengthen the new nation, Hamilton created a strategy to secure economic independence and founded the city of Paterson in 1792 to begin implementing his plan. Long after the British surrendered, America remained heavily dependent on
England for virtually everything from clothing to military supplies.


    Hamilton believed that America could never be
truly free from Britain, nor from any other foreign
oppressor, as long as the nation remained dependent on foreign goods. He left college to fight in the Revolutionary War, rose quickly to become General Washington’s most trusted aide, and later became the new nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury. While clerking for a trading business, some islanders recognized his potential and took up a collection to send him to New York for a formal education. Rejected from the local school on his island because of his “disreputable” family background, Hamilton was tutored by a local woman. Please visit the National Park Service’s website before planning your visit as hours of operation change seasonally.Born to unwed parents on a Caribbean island, Alexander Hamilton was the child of a father who deserted the family and a mother who died when he was twelve years old. The Paterson Great Falls can be viewed from Overlook Park, as well as from Mary Ellen Kramer Park off of Maple Avenue. Please visit the National Park Service’s website before planning your visit as features are subject to change. FeaturesĮducation Programs, Field Trips, Guided Tours, Park Store, Permits, Scenic Views, Virtual Tours, & Volunteer Opportunities Visit the National Park Service’s website here to learn more. Today, the natural oasis is surrounded by a unique urban park setting as the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park. General George Washington even picnicked by the waterfall with the Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, and James McHenry during the Revolutionary War on July 10, 1778. The success of this ambitious plan served to support the United States’ economic independence. Paterson, the nation’s first planned industrial city, was founded by Alexander Hamilton when implementing an innovative hydropower system using the Passaic River to power nearby mills. The majestic Paterson Great Falls plunge 77 feet into a 300-foot-wide chasm and have long been a source of inspiration and power.

    Paterson waterfall address